(version: 04/2020)
PhD Student
UBL, ECN, GeM Laboratory

École Centrale de Nantes
1 rue de la Noë
44321 Nantes Cedex 3
Email: georgios.tzortzopoulos@ec-nantes.fr
- 2019 – . : PhD in “Controlling earthQuakes in the laboratory using pertinent fault stimulating techniques” at GeM Laboratory, ECN, Nantes, France (continue)
- 2018 – 2019: PhD in “Controlling earthQuakes in the laboratory using pertinent fault stimulating techniques” at Navier Laboratory, ENPC, Paris, France
- 2017 – 2018: Military Obligations in Greece (1year)
- 2016: Diploma in Civil Engineering & Master Degree in “Structural Engineering” from NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, Greece
Research Background
- Internship in Earthquake Planning and Protection Organisation (E.P.P.O.) in Athens, Greece. Research for seismic evaluation and retrofitting methods of existing bridges.
- Master Thesis in “Non-Linear Static and Dynamic Analysis of Cable-Stayed Bridges” at the Laboratory of Structural Analysis and Antiseismic Research of NTUA, Greece.
Supervisor: Prof. V. Koumousis
Computer Software and Programming Language
1. ABAQUS | 4. Mathematica | 7. Python |
2. CSiBridge | 5. MATLAB | 8. Fortran |
3. AutoCAD | 6. Maple |