Discover our new research paper unearthing the mysteries of earthquake faults: Exploring fault friction and oscillating frictional responses

Our research dives deep into the physics behind fault friction. Using the Cosserat theory and accounting for large shear deformations, we have gained valuable insights. Our numerical results provide further evidence for the rate and state friction law, enhancing our understanding of earthquake nucleation and seismic energy release. We also made an exciting discovery—traveling shear bands within faults, resulting in oscillating frictional responses. These findings challenge conventional models and expand our knowledge of frictional weakening during earthquakes.

Left: Evolution and propagation of strain rate, dγp and cumulative strain, γp, over the height, H, of a fault gouge which is sheared under constant slip rate and applied normal stress. Right: Evolution of the frictional stress, τ, with slip, δ. The oscillating frictional response is due to the nucleation of a travelling shear band and friction regain due to the boundary conditions that result to a cooling-like behavior of the gouge layer.